Conversion-Optimized Video Marketing & Digital Ads!

Our Three Signature Video Solutions 

We pride ourselves in offering solutions that are both Impactful and Measurable. Businesses need Results, not content that only looks pretty. We Deliver Big for Them!
Company Story / Promo Videos
Imagine delivering your greatest sales pitch ever. And then being able to repeat it flawlessly on-demand, 24/7/365! Video does that for you!
Video Reviews & Case Studies
Reviews in video format allow for visual storytelling and emotions not possible with only text. Great Testimonials are essentially Referrals!
Virtual Training & Onboarding
Teaching the same material over and over isn't efficient or practical. Video frees up your time! Film the training once...use it 1000's of times!

Powerful Solutions That Are Designed To Convert

ConverX has managed to piece together the most powerful modern Advertising and Growth tools available today. Each one works great on it's own, but combined together, your levels of Engagement, Conversions, and ROI will explode!
Video Production
Everything is more Effective with video, it's been proven a million times! The easily digestable and emotion evoking qualities of video allows you to peak the interest of your audience more efficienty, and Convert them faster!
Targeted Digital Advertising
Placing your strategically designed video campaign in front of the right audience is what separates us from the rest! Media without the right distribution stategy won't bring the RESULTS your Business NEEDS!
Corporate Photography
When it's time to put your best foot forward, will your phone's camera be enough to stand out from the crowd? Our Photography Team can! 
Live Stream Events
Live streaming allows you to invite the world to your event! They boost participation, engage remote teams, and pave the way for brand recognition and increased leads and sales!
Drone/Aerial Content
A bird's eye view is both necessary and exciting. Drones aren't just fun but provide a unique perspective and help your Brand Video  or Property stand out from the pack

Why Is Using Video Marketing So Effective?

Businesses and websites that feature high-quality video content get ranked higher by Google and other search engines. YouTube is a search engine too, not just a video website–– and it's the 2nd most trafficked site in the world. What does that say to you? It means you need to up your video game!
Cure for Short Attention Spans
It's becoming increasingly harder to grab your audience's attention, and once you do, then what? It's way easier to consume a 30-second video than to read a 300-word post. Apply that principle to everything!
Heart of Digital Ad Campaigns
When part of a cohesive and highly-targeted Advertising Campaign, there is NOTHING as effective for engaging and converting a cold audience than video! 10x your Reach, Engagement, and Conversions
Cheaper By Comparison
If you're hoping to save a few bucks by skipping Video, you'll pay far more overall with higher CPCs, CPLs, and lower ROI. Do it right, don't skimp. Invest upfront, it'll be alot cheaper overall!
Shareable Content
When being shared, videos are much more well-received and likely to be viewed than a forwarded blog post, news article, or email
Boosts Time on Page
Today's Google SEO and Social Media algorithms measure how long people stay on your page or post. Is there a better way to keep them there than with an engaging video? Nope, it's a no brainer!
Builds Trust
People are naturally suspicious of online offers these days. Video's unique ability for storytelling, conveying feelings, and igniting emotions helps you overcome their fears and sparks engagement
Crystal Clear CTA
Getting people excited about your offer is one thing, but getting them to take Action is the ultimate challenge! Video Call-to-Actions convert more deals!

Practical Real-World Uses For Our Media Campaigns

Local SEO/Traffic Campaigns
Appear at the top of local search results, & drive more local foot traffic to your physical business
ReMarketing Campaigns
Bring old clients, prospects, and traffic back to life. They're usually far from dead, you'll see!
Lead Generation Campaigns
You can't grow your business without leads! Stop buying them. Generate your own from now on!
eCommerce/ Sales Campaigns
Applying a Video Strategy and Paid Ads to your Sales Website will accelerate it's growth 24/7!
Email Marketing Campaigns
Emails that contain Video get opened & convert at exponentially higher rates than those without
Online Course Creation Campaigns
We're living in the era of Courses. Everyone's got one. We make sure yours stands out!
Real Estate Campaigns
Realtors and Investors still not embracing video and digital marketing are getting left behind by tech-savvy up-and-comers
Staffing & Recruiting Campaigns
Recruit more effectively, without paying Recruiter's commissions or settling for anyone less than the best
Onboarding & Training Campaigns
The repetitive tasks of Onboarding and Product & Sales Training can be streamlined or automated using Video
Non-Profit, NGO, & Charity Campaigns
Promote your causes more effectively! Recruit volunteers & staffers, gain Sponsors, fundraise better, and make a bigger impact on the world
Travel & Tourism Campaigns
If you run a hotel, AirB&B, or a tour company, reach out to us! We're literally overflowing with ideas to help you grow!
Political & Grassroots Campaigns
Establish your platforms, pitch your issues, fundraise more effectively, and recruit your army of volunteers and staffers
General Frequently Asked Questions
Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our customer support team.
1) How can Video and Digital Advertising help an average business?
For the past decade or more, we've been witnessing the incredible power of Video and Targeted Digital Advertising effectively being used to create, brand, and grow new businesses and ideas– oftentimes independently. As lifelong students of marketing, it's actually been thrilling to see. We love to leverage the power Video and to help make our client's businesses more financially sustainable and set them on the path for growth and possible expansion. Likewise, when financial success or expansion aren't the primary goals, such as with nonprofits, our goal becomes to help amplify their message and help them make the greatest difference.

Video is great–– not because it's "cool" but because of how effective it is. As soon as something as good or better comes along, we'll use that, too. Recently, Podcasting and the use of Drones also became highly effective at creating engaging content that converts audiences, which is why they're now part of our arsenal of tools.

Deploying our services to help a client who had previously been stressed and struggling, and taking them to a point where their business is financially sustainable, operating highly efficiently, on target to meet or exceed their goals, all while being alot less stressed and overworked–– that brings us an immense amount of satisfaction.
2) What are the main Services you offer?
ConverX Media provides Video Production, Podcast Creation and Production, Corporate/Event/Product Photography, Drone Video and Photography, and custom targeted Digital Advertising Campaigns that leverage our powerful media with Google and Social Media ad campaigns.
3) How is ConverX different from every other Production Company in South Florida?
South Florida is blessed to have a wide selection of super-talented local media production teams based here. Lot's of them are incredibly good. Most of us are competitors but not rivals– we're friends and know each other well and even team up to do large projects once in a while.

The main difference is our focus. Some focus on Travel & Tourism, doing beautiful work with hotels and resorts. Some focus on planes, yachts, exotic cars, and high-end lifestyles. Others focus on music videos. Others on weddings and engagements. Others on real estate listings. Some even focus on creating amazing acrobatic FPV drone videos. They're great at what they do.

Our focus at ConverX Media is on real SMEs ("Small and Medium-sized Enterprises") businesses. While we're equipped and capable of doing other projects, the knowledge and experience our team has in the business world gives us a unique competitive advantage that we'd be fools not to leverage to benefit our clients. Plus, we love working with Real Businesses in the Real World, not just the "glitz and the glam" that other production teams sometimes seem to be chasing.

Our focus is on helping Good Steady Businesses become Great Growing Businesses by leveraging powerful video and optimized media combined with highly effective Advertising Campaigns. Our bread & butter has always been Home Services Businesses (Impact Windows, Roofing, Solar, etc), Bars & Restaurants, startup SAAS brands, Marinas & boat yards, Accountants & CPAs, Realtors, Attorneys, Automotive Repair Shops, tour companies, small independent retail shops, local city governments, and other professions not known for being glamourous.
4) How is ConverX better suited to work with businesses than other teams?
For starters, none of us went to film school– we went to Business School, instead. Our entire team is in our 30s and 40s–– we've got DECADES AND DECADES of real world experience, we're not kids just trying to "fake it til we make it". Our majors and first careers were all in Finance, Marketing, Insurance, Radio, and Real Estate. Not just that, but we've all successfully built and grown our own businesses, held management roles, and over many years acquired the skills to know what types of campaigns achieve the best results for Businesses and entrepreneurs.

We initially built ConverX Media as an SEO and Ad agency, but we adapted–– as all businesses should. Businesses don't have 6months to wait around for organic SEO results, they need Fast and Cost-Effective results NOW, so we added Paid Targeted Ads. Content and Ads that use Video oftentimes create 100% or more engagement and conversions than other type of media–– so we added Video Production. And so on and so on. Same with Podcasting. Same with drone content. Same with growing Patreon communities. We live, eat, and breath this stuff! Call ConverX!
5) What equipment do you use?
It's important to first mention that equipment isn't everything, but having great equipment definitely helps!

Cameras: Lumix and Canon Full-Frame Mirrorless 4K cameras
Lenses: Lumix, Sigma ART, and Laowa
Drones & Gimbals: DJI
Audio: RODE and Shure
Lighting: Aputure, Nanlite, with Glow softboxes

We make sure to use professional-quality reliable equipment, but don't forget the final product is only as good as the user's skill, and the effectiveness of the entire campaign.

We're obsessed with providing Clients the highest Return-on-Investment (ROI) possible, and the equipment we use is the perfect balance of quality and value. Our equipment is far from cheap, but we're also not using a $30K Arri either–– that'd be unnecessary and costly, since we don't do music videos or movies and don't require such extreme dynamic range or color grading. In almost all cases, the quality of their final product is virtually indistinguishable from ours. The only difference is, the client would've had to write an extra Zero (or two) on the check for using that overkill equipment.
6) How did you get started in Media Production, coming from the SEO/Ad Agency world?
Even though everybody on the Team already had years of "hobbyist" experience and was already fairly skilled at Videography, Photography, and Editing, we didn't feel it was our area of expertise and typically collaborated with outside media teams to handle that.

That is, until we realized (1) most media teams focused on making pretty and fancy looking videos, but were utterly clueless about how businesses actually work and couldn't create media that matched and supported the overall marketing campaign strategy, and (2) they were media production "experts" but the quality of their work wasn't that much better than the work we'd come up with ourselves just playing around. Again, we weren't newbies. We were already Pros by anybody else's standards, it just took us a while to realize it.

We began practicing with a purpose, and honing our craft, and very quickly just started doing all of our own production work, until it became what we were known for.
7) Who would be an ideal client?
Our ideal Client is a business or  organization that provides a service or product with a distinguishable solution–– that's actually trying to solve something or provide a value to somebody, not simply to make money for the client. Also, they should be able to clearly explain or "elevator pitch" their offer and have a pretty good idea of who their target audience is. If you can't easily explain what your business does or is trying to solve, then you probably don't understand it well enough–– figure that out first. Even if you're a startup and barely off the ground, you should at the very least have your niche and target audience mostly or all figured out.

The Client also needs to be prepared and committed to capitalizing on the boost in results and Inbound Traffic they should expect to receive from our work. Whether that means fortifying their Sales & Operations processes, buying a few extra phone lines, implementing a few new automation tools, or even simply being willing to work late if they have to. We're 110% committed to helping Clients achieve maximum results, so if they're OK with letting Sales and opportunities slip through their fingers, we don't need to be talking.
8) What kind of work do you NOT do? - OR - What kind of clients do you NOT work with?
Our focus are Business Clients. We don't do music videos. We don't do weddings. We don't do fake influencer / fake lifestyle "look at me I'm rich" type videos, etc. Our main focus are for-profit businesses, but we also really enjoy working with political campaigns, charities, and non-profit groups, such as the Humane Society of Greater Miami.

Our services and work are highly effective, so we're picky about who we work with. We do our due diligence to make sure what the client is wanting to do isn't a scam and that they're not offering something that hurts or misleads the public
9) Are you available to travel, and if so, where?
Anywhere, anytime. For starters, we have two locations in South Florida, with access to a dozen or more dedicated indoor and outdoor filming or recording locations if needed.

Our Fort Lauderdale location is minutes from the FLL airport. And our Miami office literally has a train running from our building to the airport terminals at MIA. So yeah, traveling is never an issue. Plus, even when it's not for work, our team might as well be sponsored by Osprey backpacks and eBags, because we're constantly heading off somewhere.
10) How do we get in touch with you?
Reaching us is easy:
- Office: (954) 526-5759
- Work Cell: (954) 496-1382 (for text, Signal, Telegram, or WhatsApp)
- Submit a contact form anywhere on this site
- Send us a DM on IG or any of the Socials

We reply to all messages no matter the source in 24 hours or less, even on weekends. Let us know about your project!
Bonus Question! - Will you do work for Free? Do you work for exposure?
Did you think this wouldn't be in the FAQs?! People love to ask this.

Generally speaking, the answer is No. For exposure: Hell no! For empty promises of referrals and future business: Nope!

But in certain circumstances, yes, sometimes! If you have a promising project or organization that we come to truly believe in, even if you have no marketing budget or cashflow, we'll do our best to work with you. If you're a struggling startup with an amazing idea or goal, definitely still reach out to us and we can discuss several options. Lack of funds is why most media production teams don't work with Startups. With us, it ain't only about money.

Also, we DO fairly often donate projects or hours to certain non-profits. For example, we regularly do free video and photoshoots for the Humane Society of Greater Miami, in support of their pet adoption campaigns.

Our rates are surprisingly affordable anyway. Just because it's not free shouldn't deter you from contacting our Team about your project. Also, we do pay out nice Referral Commissions if the person you refer to us hires us, which can offset the cost of your own services. Or if you're not a Client, it's cash in your pocket.
ConverX Media is a Video Marketing & Digital Advertising team focused on helping organizations boost their Sales and Grow Efficiently
Office: (954) 543-1298
Work Cell: (954) 914-2640 (for text, Signal, Telegram, or WhatsApp)
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